Joining the armed forces for the sake of serving the motherland always results in destruction, devastation, and deaths. In fact, soldiers are like pawns playing the game of war for countries’ rulers and the flourishing war industry.

Young men and women entering the military face the grim reality of potentially losing their lives in combat, all in the name of national service.

Even those who survive the war zones are not free from peril, as many succumb to suicide upon returning home.

A recent study by the Psychological Sciences department at Auburn University highlights a troubling trend: the suicide rate among U.S. armed service members is rising.

The study reveals that “suicide rates are even more elevated in veterans, with an estimated 17 or more dying by suicide each day in 2021.”

This indicates a severe mental health crisis among those who have served, as their experiences in combat lead to an increased capability for suicide and a decreased fear of death.

Furthermore, former military personnel are disproportionately involved in gun violence in the United States. This trend contributes to the tragic loss of innocent lives and underscores the lasting impact of military service on individuals and society.

Instead of bringing peace, the aftermath of military involvement often perpetuates a cycle of violence and trauma, affecting both veterans and the communities around them.

After all, soldiers aren’t sacred.

Promod Puri

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