Hindu Swastika Exhibits Tolerance, Fortune and Auspiciousness

Hindu Swastika Exhibits Tolerance, Fortune and Auspiciousness

Despite being stigmatized as a Nazi emblem of anti-Semitism, hate and violence, Swastika, the world’s most recognized sign, represents an auspicious and sacred symbol in Hinduism.

The Swastika, derived from the Sanskrit word ‘svastika,’ means ‘lucky.’ Swastika’s geometric pattern of Swastika has its origin over 10,000 years ago in the Indus Valley Civilization. It got worldwide eminence and adoption over the centuries.

Many civilizations from Asia to Europe and even in the American continent adopted Swastika as a simple design relating to martial, religious, business, and cultural trends, including the belief that it brings good luck, prosperity, and auspicious.

The Swastika has been abandoned now by most societies and nations. For the plain reason that gets aligned with notoriety. It is a fascist symbol of intolerance and violent intimidation. Racist organizations and militant outfits post Swastika signs to signal rampage and terror against minority communities of different cultural and religious backgrounds.

Even with that perception that goes against the secular, liberal and democratic traditions of Hinduism, Swastika still has the same reverence and acceptance in the Hindu faith as has been since antiquity.

Although Swastika does not carry many Hindu philosophical interpretations, it does bring spiritual inspiration. As per belief, It represents the creator Brahma. Its four arms exhibit “Purusartha,” which is an essential doctrine of Hinduism. Purusha advocates four co-related facets of life. These are dharma, artha, kama and moksha.

Dharma seeks conscious conduct of life of moral values; Artha stands for economic liberty; the Kama emphasizes pleasure and enjoyment in life. Moksha denotes seeking Mukti or freedom from the worldly web to seek oneness with the Supreme-being. (https://progressivehindudialogue.com/category/book-on-hinduism//)

Besides its spiritual values, Swastika in Hinduism is more popular as a ceremonial identity mark in religious rites that symbolize devotion and divinity. Its use in Hindu religious or formal events is at the discretion of performing priests. As such, Swastika is a ceremonial symbol.

Using Swastika in whatever formation is not at all mandatory in Hindu rites. The choice runs through regional customs and traditions.

As far as Hindu symbolic representation is concerned, Swastika does not conflict with Om. It is a proper tool with the option to use or not to use. Swastika does not produce sound. Om does, and it resonates as the primordial sound introduced in this universe and perhaps in the whole celestial world.

In the ceremonial traditions of Hinduism, Swastika can not get abandoned because it has gathered connotations of hatred and intolerance in the Western world. Hinduism sticks to its centuries-old tradition of reverence to Swastika as a symbol of auspiciousness and fortune.

-by Promod Puri

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